Lobes were observed when doing finish Grinding operation on orbital grinding machine.
Vibration Spectrum Analysis of machine.
The source of vibration is identified to be coolant transfer pump, which is connected to the machine.
Problem Solving
Change the coolant motor impeller.
Final Outcome
Surface finish has improved, and no lobes were observed.
Vibration levels of the ventilation fans used in subway tunnels were more than the manufacturer recommended values.
Vibration Spectrum Analysis of TVF
The source of vibration is identified to be orientation of damper connected on the TVFs.
Problem Solving
Change the orientation of the support damper by 90 degrees.
Final Outcome
Vibration levels were reduced drastically and it is well within the manufacturer recommended values.
Repeatability error of the grinding machine was found to be more.
Analysis using Laser interferometer
Telescopic cover and motor tuning was found to be the source.
Problem Solving
Correct the telescopic cover issue and to tune the system.
Final Outcome
Repeatability error were achieved less than 1 micron.
Chatter marks were observed when doing Facing operation on Vertical Turning Lathe.
Vibration Spectrum Analysis of machine.
The source of chatter is found to be spindle bearings without dismantling the spindle using frequency analysis.
Problem Solving
Machine supplier was advised to change the bearing.
Final Outcome
Surface finish has improved, and no chatter marks were observed.
Vibrations were found to be more on a high speed die mould milling machine.
Mode shape analysis of the Ram with Spindle.
The source of vibration is found to be because of the natural frequencies and related dynamics of the machine.
Problem Solving
Redesign the spindle Ram with improved stiffness on selective portions.
Final Outcome
Manufacturer has matched the experimental mode shapes data with analytical data by using FEA, Ram was redesigned in FEA for better dynamic stiffness.
To increase the auto component’s fatigue life.
Residual Stress Analysis
Troubleshooting & Problem Solving
The manufacturing process was modified to induce different residual stresses for better fatigue life.
Final Outcome
Component’s fatigue life has increased.
Chatter marks were observed when doing boring operation on VTL.
Vibration Spectrum Analysis of Machine.
The source of chatter is found to be tool holder design, using frequency analysis.
Problem Solving
Change the boring holder design.
Final Outcome
Vibration levels have reduced drastically and finish has improved significantly.
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